The Ultimate Guide to Bing SEO

The Ultimate Guide to Bing SEO


Although Google is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of SEO, you shouldn’t forget about the second most used search engine – Bing. Google’s monopoly sure is big, but there are other players in the game.


When you’re optimizing your website, you want to keep in mind that many users will be using a different search engine. Therefore, you’re meant to optimize your website to cater to those search engines as well. Bing is a big platform that marketers should pay closer attention to. 


But because it isn’t talked about often, you’re probably unfamiliar with the ins and outs of Bing’s SEO. That’s why we’re about to give you a detailed guide to Bing SEO and help you rank better on this popular search engine. 

The Differences Between Google and Bing SEO

While Bing and Google do consider many similar ranking factors, there are some key differences you should be aware of when creating your Bing SEO marketing strategy.


  • Unlike Google, Bing takes social media into account in its search results. It values the number of followers and shares that you have. Social media plays an important role in digital marketing, and Bing recognizes that.
  • Bing is pretty open about their guidelines and how they index and crawl your website. They have published their Webmaster Guidelines that help you focus on all the important things that will improve your ranking.
  • On Bing, you’ll find better image results. By clicking on an image, you get information about the image’s date and pages where the image is located, plus you can search for different sizes of the image.

How to Rank Higher on Bing Search

On-Page SEO for Bing

Starting with your on-page SEO strategy, there are multiple things you can do to get a better rating on Bing.


  • Exact keyword use: Keywords are one of the key factors when it comes to rankings. It’s important to use them wisely in order to better your chances of getting a high ranking. You should make sure to include your exact keyword in H1 and H2 tags, alt tags, title tags, and meta descriptions. Of course, the usage of keywords should sound organic and you should stay away from keyword stuffing.
  • Write high-quality content: You know it by now – content is king in the SEO world. Your website needs to provide relevant, useful, and original content in order to give users value and rank highly on search engines.
  • Use images in your content: Elevating your content with images and videos is something that Bing really values. Bing weighs an aesthetic appearance that includes multimedia. Be sure to optimize your images with alt descriptions to increase your chances of getting image search traffic.
  • Use schema markup to help Bing understand your content and raise the CTR of your search results.

Build Quality Backlinks to Your Website

marketing managers working on SEO strategies

If you want to rank higher on Bing, you need to build quality backlinks to your website. This will show that other websites think your website is valuable and worth linking to. You can do this by guest blogging or writing blog posts on authoritative websites in your industry.


You should also take advantage of social media platforms to share your content and get more people to link to your website. By being active on social media, you can increase your brand awareness and build quality backlinks at the same time.

The Importance of Social Signals for Bing Search Engine Optimization

As we’ve mentioned before, social media signals are taken into account when it comes to Bing SEO. This means that if you’re not active on social media, you’re missing out on a big opportunity to improve your ranking.


By being active on social media and sharing your content, you can increase your brand awareness, and get more people to visit your website. Seeing how many shares and interactions you have helps Bing determine how popular and valuable your content is. So you can see a spike in your ratings if you have authority and a substantial following on social media.


So, if you’re not active on social media, now is the time to start. Create accounts on the most popular social media platforms and start sharing your content.

Utilize Bing Webmaster Tools to Improve Your SEO Rankings

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free service that allows you to submit your website to Bing and get detailed reports about your website’s performance. By using Bing Webmaster Tools, you can get an insight into how Bing sees your website. This is valuable information that can help you get an improved SEO ranking.


Some of the things you can do with Bing Webmaster Tools are:


  • Submit your website to Bing
  • Upload your sitemaps
  • Get detailed reports about your website’s performance
  • Find out which keywords are driving traffic to your website
  • Track your website’s backlinks
  • Get notified when Bing crawls your website
  • Ask the Bing bot not to crawl your website during certain times
  • Monitor your website for malware and spam


As you can tell, it’s a very useful thing to start using, so don’t miss out. If you’re trying to optimize your website for Bing, take the opportunity to get the help that Bing offers.


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Focus on User Intent and Valuable Content

If you want to rank higher on Bing, you need to focus on creating content that is relevant and useful to your target audience. This means creating content that satisfies the user’s intent.


User intent can be divided into four categories:


  1. Transactional: The user wants to buy something.
  2. Informational: The user wants to know something, such as the answer to a question
  3. Navigational: The user wants to go somewhere, such as a specific website or location
  4. Commercial: The user wants to do more research about a product they want to buy.


Your content needs to be created with the user’s intent in mind. It should be relevant and useful to them. 


In addition to user intent, your content also needs to be high quality. This means that it should be well-written, accurate, and informative. It should also be both engaging and visually appealing. If you can do this, you’re on the right track to creating content Bing will love. Plus, these things will undeniably improve the user experience!

Claim Your Business on Bing Places

If you have a local business, you need to make sure you’re on Bing Places for Business. This is a free listing service that allows you to manage your business information on Bing.


By claiming your business on Bing Places for Business, you can control how your business appears on Bing. You can add photos, videos, and other information that will help your business stand out. You can also track your performance and see how many people are viewing your listing.


If you want to improve your local SEO on Bing, claiming your business is a great place to start.

Bing Penalties

Just like Google, Bing can penalize your website if it detects that you’re using black hat SEO techniques. If you’re caught breaking the rules, you could see a significant drop in your rankings.


So, if you want to avoid penalties, make sure you’re following Bing’s guidelines. Don’t try to cheat the system. Play by the rules, and you’ll be fine. Here are a few things to keep in mind to avoid penalties:


  • Don’t use keyword stuffing
  • Don’t engage in link buying or link farms
  • Don’t create duplicate content and doorway content
  • Don’t participate in cloaking or bait-and-switch


As long as you avoid these practices, you should be in the clear. But if you’re ever unsure about something, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and avoid it altogether. Do your research and get familiar with Bing’s rules.

Final Thoughts

Bing is a powerful search engine that can drive a lot of traffic to your website. But if you want to rank higher on Bing, you need to do more than just optimize your website for the search engine. You also need to create high-quality, fresh content that ensures customer satisfaction.


In addition, you need to make sure you’re claiming your business on Bing Places for Business and following Bing’s guidelines to avoid penalties. If you can do all of these things, you’re well on your way to ranking higher on Bing.

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